Social media sites are a perfect way to find other Christians. You can find others to socialize with or you can find others to do business with. No matter how you plan to use these people, you can use social media sites to find them.
Social media sites like and are perfect for finding other Christians. These sites are both fun and a great way to meet others.
There are many ways to find others on Twitter. Some of these options are listed below. is a site that you can join and receive updates based on keywords you select. You can choose Christian words and then use these to find people on Twitter.
2. is a site that you can use to find others. You look through categories based on people you are looking for. For example, you can look in the Society category to find Christian people to communicate with.
3. is a great way to find others based on the keywords you use. Now the downside to this type of search is you may get results that contain screen names or if a person talks about a person or business with that keyword in it, that will show up as well.
Using these options listed above will help you find others, but you may find you are limited on the number of people. What you can do is follow the people that your followers are following.
There are many ways to find others using Facebook. Some of these options are listed below.
1. Twitter
If you follow people that list their name on their Twitter page, you can follow them on Facebook as well. You might see a lot of the same posts on the two sites, but you may find different posts on Facebook because you are able to type more than 140 characters.
2. Facebook friends
Check out other friends on your friends pages. If they make posts that are of interest to you, then you can ask them to be your friend. You may want to send a message explaining why you want to be there friend.
3. Facebook groups
Search for Christian groups and then become friends with the people that are apart of those groups. These groups are a great way to communicate with others that feel the same way as you do and believe the same as you.
Using Twitter and Facebook to find Christians to interact with is easy when you use the tips above. These are easy to use and will help you find the people you are looking for without spending a lot of time searching through websites and then going to Twitter and Facebook to see if you can find them.
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